To Do List - (20/12/2023)

+ Preparing the second 'Sauna Life Drawing' class at Sweheat Sauna. Using drawing in the sauna to capture how our minds and bodies behave in the heat. Tickets HERE.

+ Planning a second research trip to Helsinki & Tallin, for my Arts Council funded #SaunaAsStudio project. Including meetings, workshops, talks and opportunities to draw and make. 

+ Scheduling a research trip to Brighton, looking at the growing coastal pop-up sauna industry.

+ Organising Sauna Reading Groups #11, #12 & #13. Provisionally about Inclusion, Intimacy & 'Alien' (1979).

+ Editing contents for a forthcoming artist book project with an art publisher, based on my ambition to 'get better and worse at drawing'. This will likely be a survey or my work combined with prompts and activities and for the reader.

+ A new series of print editions, using various sizes and techniques.

+ Planning 'Barry's Downright Quiz 2024', my annual charity quiz (that isn't really a quiz) raising money for Downright Excellent, the Down Syndrome charity that supports our daughter Alice. 

+ Sourcing a 1987 edition of the Los Angeles Yellow Pages

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